Saturday, November 27, 2010

2nd class... right brain and left brain

right brain vs left brain in cretivity

Have you ever thought why some people can paint beautifully, but have difficulty adding two and two? Or why some people can understand the intricacies of calculus effortlessly, but struggle to write a one-page essay? It's all about which side of your brain dominates -  the left or the right.
 people can understand the intricacies of calculus
Being creative or artistic doesn’t mean you know how to draw or play an instrument. Being creative is a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world.
Creative people use the RIGHT side of their brains more than the LEFT.

People who rely more heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and intuitive. The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry.etc

Left-brain dominated people tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking.
 a one-page essay? It's all about which side of your brain dominates -  the left or the right.

Being creative or artistic doesn’t mean you know how to draw or play an instrument. Being creative is a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world.
Creative people use the RIGHT side of their brains more than the LEFT. 

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