Friday, December 17, 2010

Analogy & Me!

analogy and me :)
Pictures,my brain & a little bit of creativity.Enjoy!

Love?I feel like saying no but the taste & smell makes me come back for more.

Life is short.You will never know when it will stop burning.

You make me drool all over with your sweet taste of pleasure despite the pain you cost me.

Love is addictive,love is warm,love makes me feel high..when my world come crashing down.

Love makes you stand out in the crowd.

Love makes you see pass the boundaries.

Man's ego make the women nags more.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Juxtaposition ;)


- Placing two variable,side by side & their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison.

- Turning something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.

- Conflict between right brain & left brain happen.

Where did I get all of this?In class concentration,people..haha.Nah!I just jot down what I think is important about the topic,that's all.

Juxtaposition involves metaphor & similes and logical analogy & affective analogy

Metaphor & Similes

Metaphor : A metaphor is a figure of speech concisely expressed by comparing two things, saying that one is the other.
Example : But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.(William Sharp, "The Lonely Hunter")

Similes : A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.
Example : As cute as a button.

Logical Analogy & Affective Analogy

Logical Analogy : Use similarities in the design, structure or function of to connect back to the subject.
Example : A cheetah can be compared to a sports car as they are capable of traveling at high speeds.

Affective Analogy : Are the emotional resemblance.
Example : Adibah is like a kitten because she is cute.

Friday, December 3, 2010

associated map :)

associated map ;)

Associated mind map is created because we want to get away from stereotype & come out with creative,unique ideas.

and one of the best examples of associated map is ( mortar and pestle )

and now i'm going to give 3 useful examples of using mortar and pestle :)

1 is noise .. so for example if i want to wake a guy up all i have to do is put the mortar above his head and knock it by the pestle to wake him up :)

2 is game... one of the best game to be played by mortar and pestle is ( baseball ) so the player can throw the mortar and the defender will catch it by the pestle ;)

3 is the USA government can modify the mortar and make it as nuclear weapon and throw the pestle and kill the people in iraq :(