Saturday, January 8, 2011

project 1.. the report of career in creative studies :)

Career in creative studies
When we talk about career in creative multimedia,I think most of us will refer to all fcm student.We know that in multimedia university we have special faculty which is called faculty of creative multimedia or called FCM.This is exactly true because they are in this field and they must know where they are going after graduated.They know which industries they are going to fill with their own multimedia skill.As we all know,if we observe these creative multimedia students they have various capabilities when they sit in front of computer.These students is not like students from other faculty because they will be hired by particular company after  being judged based on practical skill but students from critical course will be evaluated based on how well they performed during their examination.This is including animating the 3d character,2d animation,advertising skill,website development,product designing and others.Over a decade the advancement of creative multimedia field  has devepelod and year by year there must be  a launch of new technologies which will be explored by multimedia artist.We see that some of creative student are kind of ignoring for subjects other than their core major subject.This is because they know their skill or expertise in certain platform will bring them in a bright future.Now we will talk about their career jobs.

                                  As we know creative multimedia is divided into several department which are film and animation,media innovation,virtual reality,and interface design.Now we are going to explain the future jobs from different department one by one.About students from Film and Animation,everyday they will focus on using 3d software like 3d max or Maya.They have been burdened by some heavy assignment such animate the 3d character,visual effect task and motion graphic.I would say that this department is the hardest majoring in any multimedia school.Only them are knowing how much pain they would face everyday.For example is a character animation assignment.This particular assignment is not just finishing up the animation but it has been divided into several process before the animation is completed.There are including lighting,visual effect and rendering.So this is the difficult stages to produce a good quality work.The advantage for the student from this department is they encouraged to focus on particular skill such as lighting and rendering.So in any company there will be a several team of animation artist doing the different process.Animation team is given a task to deliver a live to a character.Lighting team is asked to design the natural or artificial light sources that should fall onto the scene and rendering team is responsible to setting up to finalize the desire outcome imagery.In Malaysia,these kind of students should not be worry on their future to get involved in industries.In fact,this industry will find them.For example is les copaque production the one that produced Upin and Ipin the movie.Until now they are still have not enough workers to finish  many of works.In recent years also some of our local company has produced  some outstanding visual effect in film scene.So film and animation student has a lot opportunity to get a  fantastic job.

                   Media innovation is a department that have been specialized in advertising scope.They are responsible to train the people to be able developing a new interesting ideas based on the product brand image.Brand image is the factor that influence consumer buying habits without noticing it is the key aspect of it.These people are working on brand image which carry the identity of the product,the company or service that makes it so unique.It means  people have a thought that some new brand can’t fight the market of the stable brand but the brand image has make it works.So If you meet media innovation student they will talk about designing.They use photoshop and illustrator for almost of their work.The difficulty of their work is not as hard as animation work.They have no heavy technical stuff but they have so many work and the work must be prefect.People like them is needed in any corporate company to deliver very reliable brand.Not only that,they are the person in charge to make the new brand so believable and to make people put trust on their new brand.For example is a new food product.The packaging itself has strengthen the attraction of food itself.This is what advertising students have to do.The banner,the logo and everything about that will be refer to them.They are also be able to be a web designer.It is because their knowledge  of branding and design make them a special people for that position.The most important point here is any business production need a good designer.

                 The other major department in creative multimedia is virtual reality or called VR.This field is quite slow in Malaysia because it is not widely exposed to the people in Malaysia.Not many people know what this multimedia field is doing and still not very developed in the world.For instance,a simulation which done by VR student has no such an impact to industry.For your information Virtual reality has the less students among the other course.Their career prospect is quite narrow and many of these students will go abroad to find an available position for them.The nearest state is in Singapore.Last but not the least is Interface design.People in this department are learning about designing the new existing product based on the choosen metaphor.The metaphor is really flexible like an animal,plant and others.As an example is mouse.They would choose any kind of metaphor to get  the shape of animal and the mouse will be designed curved like the choosen animal.Their work is awkward and looks weird to student from other departments.Their skill is limited only to drawing and marker rendering.I think most of them have difficulty in finding the proper job for them.

                  For the conclusion,creative multimedia is probably the unique field in the world.These people deserve to have a bright future for their coming career if they are passionate,have a good manner and consistent in their work.Many people claims that this course has no job guarantee but that is not true.The sad fact about the student of creative multimedia is many of them lost their passion in this field.We hope that the government will modernize our multimedia world so that our creative people would get a stable job and get a reasonable salary.

project 1.. mind mapping :)

this is our 1st project in mind mapping which was about CREATIVE STUDIES :)

this the 1st mind mapping picture about creative studies... 

and now i'm going to post the 2nd mind mapping which is about career in creative studies :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Analogy & Me!

analogy and me :)
Pictures,my brain & a little bit of creativity.Enjoy!

Love?I feel like saying no but the taste & smell makes me come back for more.

Life is short.You will never know when it will stop burning.

You make me drool all over with your sweet taste of pleasure despite the pain you cost me.

Love is addictive,love is warm,love makes me feel high..when my world come crashing down.

Love makes you stand out in the crowd.

Love makes you see pass the boundaries.

Man's ego make the women nags more.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Juxtaposition ;)


- Placing two variable,side by side & their contrast or similarity are shown through comparison.

- Turning something familiar to something less familiar or vice-versa.

- Conflict between right brain & left brain happen.

Where did I get all of this?In class concentration,people..haha.Nah!I just jot down what I think is important about the topic,that's all.

Juxtaposition involves metaphor & similes and logical analogy & affective analogy

Metaphor & Similes

Metaphor : A metaphor is a figure of speech concisely expressed by comparing two things, saying that one is the other.
Example : But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.(William Sharp, "The Lonely Hunter")

Similes : A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.
Example : As cute as a button.

Logical Analogy & Affective Analogy

Logical Analogy : Use similarities in the design, structure or function of to connect back to the subject.
Example : A cheetah can be compared to a sports car as they are capable of traveling at high speeds.

Affective Analogy : Are the emotional resemblance.
Example : Adibah is like a kitten because she is cute.

Friday, December 3, 2010

associated map :)

associated map ;)

Associated mind map is created because we want to get away from stereotype & come out with creative,unique ideas.

and one of the best examples of associated map is ( mortar and pestle )

and now i'm going to give 3 useful examples of using mortar and pestle :)

1 is noise .. so for example if i want to wake a guy up all i have to do is put the mortar above his head and knock it by the pestle to wake him up :)

2 is game... one of the best game to be played by mortar and pestle is ( baseball ) so the player can throw the mortar and the defender will catch it by the pestle ;)

3 is the USA government can modify the mortar and make it as nuclear weapon and throw the pestle and kill the people in iraq :(

Saturday, November 27, 2010

3rd class..Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

(derived from Latin word novus for "new") 
The novelty effect, in the context of human performance, is the tendency for performance to initially improve when new technology is instituted, not because of any actual improvement in learning or achievement, but in response to increased interest in the new technology. The novelty effect, in context of psychology, is the tendency for an individual to have the strongest stress response the first time that individual is faced with a potentially threatening experience. Over time, as the novelty wears off, the stress response decreases.

why novelty is important?

  • You are unlikely to be able to obtain any worthwhile intellectual property rights for an idea that is not novel. In most cases this means that your idea will have little or no commercial value. 
  • An idea that is not novel cannot legally belong to you. If someone else owns the rights to it, you risk having legal action taken against you if you try to exploit it without their permission. Nor can you claim the idea as yours even if it has no legal owner (for example, if it is an old idea).
But even if an idea is novel, novelty on its own may not mean much. For an invention to have good commercial potential, it needs to be a significant improvement on prior art.
Whether or not an invention has a significant improvement depends on many factors. Some improvements may be small in technology terms but have high commercial value.
Innovation is a new way of doing something or "new stuff that is made useful".
It is important to be clear as to what innovation is not. Innovation is NOT invention, even if invention is the mother of necessity. These two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but although connected they are not the same. An innovation is the extension of an invention.
 "Real" Innovation is accomplished consistently and systematically, given the true  process for delivering solutions.
Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have... It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it. :)

Inventions are easy to define but can be difficult to recognize. An invention is "the discovery or creation of a new material, a new process, a new use for an existing material, or any improvements of any of these."